Snoqualmie Valley Seed Exchange
Please join us for the 2025 Snoqualmie Valley Seed Exchange
MARCH 22nd, 10am - 12noon
this year at Novelty Hill Farm in Duvall, WA!
The seed exchange will be held in the historic dairy barn, which is beautiful and unheated. It could be chilly.... or glorious... on March 22nd so plan to wear some layers to stay comfortable.
There is a spacious gravel parking lot adjacent to the barn. Please Park mindfully to allow us to fit all the seed exchange attendees
We will not be offering gardening workshops this year, however there are some really great online classes you could check out including the King County Growing Groceries program.
We will be putting out a call for volunteers soon. We will need folks to act as Seed Stewards at the seed tables, set up helpers, clean up helpers and more experienced gardeners to answer questions from attendees as they are able
The Seed Exchange is funded entirely by donations. Everything helps!
The DONATE ONLINE button will take you to Sno-Valley Tilth's donation page. If you donate through this link, please include a note that your donation is for the benefit of the Seed Exchange.
Thank you!
About Us
The Seed Exchange is a volunteer-led project. We are grateful that Sno-Valley Tilth will have us as one of its projects! This means your contributions are fully tax deductible as a charitable contribution to a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Every year we are supported financially by those of you who attend and/or donate to the seed exchange.
Other local entities involved in our seed exchange: Strategies for Provident Living, and the Cedarcrest High School Future Farmers of America.
What do we do with seeds remaining at the end of the seed exchange? We share seeds with several local giving gardens, including Hopelink's Carnation garden, the garden at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Bellevue, the Stillwater School garden, the Granite Falls Boys and Girls Club, the Crossroads School Garden, the Fall City Learning Garden, a community garden that grows produce for the benefit of the Fall City Community Food Pantry. In 2018 the Learning Garden worked with the Snoqualmie Ridge YMCA volunteers to also contribute to the Mt. Si Food Bank. We also share seeds with the Cedarcrest High School horticulture students, who grow salad greens for the high school cafeteria lunches.
Questions? Email us your questions with "Seed Exchange" in the subject.