Please support and thank our donors. Our seed donors are growing and selecting varieties for our Northern climate, and varieties that grow well using organic methods. They can provide their seed crop plants with the pollination requirements and populations needed for the healthiest, most robust seeds that will grow well in our region. Come back to this page for updates on seed donors this year.
Please support and thank our donors. Our seed donors are growing and selecting varieties for our Northern climate, and varieties that grow well using organic methods. They can provide their seed crop plants with the pollination requirements and populations needed for the healthiest, most robust seeds that will grow well in our region. Come back to this page for updates on seed donors this year.
We need our seed farmers!
We need our seed farmers!
Bear in mind that seed suppliers generally donate seeds labeled for sale last year, and we gratefully accept whatever varieties they send us. We also never know until the last day how many seeds will be donated or who will send them. This is the busy season for seed suppliers, and many of the small growers/suppliers find it challenging to find time and resources to ship donations.
We really want YOU to bring your own home grown and saved seed if you can. Bring well labeled seed no older than three years, unless you've tested germination and it is over 50%.
But it isn't necessary! Come & collect seed for this year's garden even if you don't have any to share.
Seeds and Catalogs
Seeds and Catalogs