March 22, 2025 10am-12pm
Novelty Hill Farm
26617 NE 124th St, Duvall, WA 98019
Scroll down the page for a map
Come Prepared to the Seed Exchange
Come, gather seeds & learn about gardening in the PNW - whether you can contribute seeds or not. We'll have plenty of seeds for this year’s garden.
If you bring seeds to share Please make sure they are no older than 3 years, or you have tested their ability to germinate. You may bring leftover seed packets and/or your own home-grown seed. More info on contributing seed on our SEED SAVING page.
There is no charge to participate However, the Seed Exchange is supported entirely by your donations. Please bring some CASH to contribute if/what your budget can afford.
To collect seeds at the exchange, bring small envelopes and markers for labeling seeds. There are instructions for two different handmade seed envelopes on our SEED SAVING page. We will have limited supply of envelopes available by donation but are likely to run out.
Stay for an hour or the entire day
We will have seeds, seed catalogs, gardening advice, and more! Unfortunately we will not have workshops or food this year, but don't let that stop you from striking up a conversation with a Seed Steward, or sharing your own gardening experience with fellow gardeners.
The 2025 Seed Exchange will take place at the Historic Barn at Novelty Hill Farm.
Novelty Hill farm is located along highway 203 between Duvall and Carnation, right off of the 124th street roundabout.
The Novelty Hill Barn is a historic barn with a large gravel parking lot and newly renovated bathrooms.
2025 Exhibitors TBD
Carnation Farmer's Market Our thriving local farmers market convenes in the Tolt Red Barn on Tuesday afternoons all summer long!
Snoqualmie Valley Master Gardener Clinic answering your toughest garden questions.
Sno-Valley Tilth advocating and educating for local food & farmers.
First Light Farm 3-acre u-pick and community farm located in the beautiful Snoqualmie River Valley.
EagleSong Gardener herbalist and herbal educator sharing about her classes and other offerings.
Snohomish and King County Beekeepers Association, sharing information on keeping honeybees.
King County Library System award winning library system will have gardening books on hand.
March of the Vegetables, a parade celebrating the Snoqualmie Valley – the art, agriculture, beauty, and quirky, vibrant small-town communities.
Mosaic Montessori local Montessori school bringing crafts, coloring, and seed planting activity for kids.
Fall City Learning Garden, an all volunteer learning and giving garden.
Snohomish County Fruit Society answering your fruit tree questions.
And more!